Redneck Blind - SUMMER SALE!
VERY soon, we will have a limited supply of Redneck Hunting Blinds for sale and are running a Summer Special! Orders must be in very soon to take advantage of this low pricing, so please contact us today if you've been considering purchasing one of the finest fiberglass hunting blinds on the market. We will have a limited supply, but there's still time to get the models you want at unbelievably good prices! Now is the time to get them put up out in the field, over looking your hunting plots or travel corridors, so bucks have time to acclimate to them before the season...

Improvements this year on the fiberglass models, include improved seals around the door, and sound deadening insulation on the interior walls. These blinds are deadly quiet!

All models of Haybale Blinds and Soft Sided Tower Blinds are included in this offer! Contact us immediately for full details.
Email or call us NOW to get a PDF catalog sent to you, and to hear about our limited-time SUMMER SALE pricing! *Available only while supplies last! Get them before their gone.